ASOS – sell side consensus forecast

  FY24   FY25   FY26
  Consensus  Minimum Maximum   Consensus  Minimum Maximum   Consensus  Minimum Maximum
Total sales growth (CCY) (10.3%) (13.7%) 0.0%   3.6% (1.8)% 9.6%   4.1% 0.0% 7.8%
Adjusted EBITDA £m £43m £20m £75m   £165m £136m £196m   £215m £167m £243m
Adjusted EBITDA % 1.4% 0.6% 2.4%   5.1% 4.1% 6.0%   6.3% 5.5% 7.0%
Capex (£132m) (£152m) (£126m)   (£126m) (£139m) (£95m)   (£128m) (£157m) (£95m)
Net Cash/(Net Debt) (£288m) (£396m) (£214m)   (£265m) (£448m) (£130m)   (£222m) (£461m) £11m

Reflecting 8 contributors who have updated their models since our Interim results for the 26 weeks to 3 March 2024. Last updated: 25th April 2024

Capex is excluding any IFRS16 capitalised leases.

Please note that any opinions, estimates or forecasts regarding ASOS' performance made by analysts are theirs alone and do not represent opinions, forecasts or predictions of ASOS or its management. ASOS does not by its reference above or distribution imply its endorsement of or concurrence with such information, conclusions or recommendations. ASOS has not commented on or verified any individual opinions, estimates or forecasts, nor does it intend to do so in the future, and ASOS shall not be liable for any errors in the content of the analysts’ research material, or for any action taken in reliance thereon.  Furthermore, ASOS may at any time be in possession of information that may affect analysts’ opinions, estimates or forecasts and ASOS has not commented upon, reviewed or updated, and is under no obligation to comment upon, review or update, their research.